Laing Essay Prize 2024

Open to all involved in burn care.
The Essay, titled: "World Burn Care and the Multidisciplinary Team" should be of a maximum 5000 words and in the style used by Burns Journal.
Your Essay should use sub headings, contain an introduction, main body, discussion and conclusion as a minimum. The essay should be well referenced using the Vancouver referencing style. An abstract of up to 150 words should also be provided with your Essay and a list of up to 6 keywords. Please submit your essay in Word format.
Three referees, appointed by the BBA, will judge and award the winner £500.
The prize-winning Essay may be eligible for publication in Burns at the discretion of the Editor.
Should the prize-winning Essay not be accepted for Journal publication, it may be published on the BBA website at the author’s request.
Closing date for applications: Monday 3rd June 2024 at 5pm
Winner will be announced at BBA/ISBI Congress, August 2024
The BBA Trustees reserve the right to award a runner-up prize if sufficient high-standard submissions are received.
For further information or to submit your essay, email