ASiT Trainer Awards 2025
Recognising Excellence in Surgical Training since 2000
We are delighted to announce the shortlisted candidates for 2025!
Silver Scalpel Award Nominees:
- Mr Filippo Di Franco - Consultant Upper GI Surgeon, Hinchingbrooke Hospital, North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust
- Mr Diwarkar Sarma - Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon, Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust
- Miss Melissa Cuhna - Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, University Hospitals of Birmingham
- Miss Emma Gray - Consultant General and Breast Surgeon, Southend Site, Mid and South Essex
- Mr James Tysome - Consultant ENT Surgeon, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Mr Jon Ghosh - Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary
Silver Suture Award Nominees:
- Miss Kitty Wong, Vascular Surgery Registrar, Bristol
- Miss Gemma Batten, Plastic Surgery Registrar, London
Silver Scissors Award Nominees:
- Dr Neil Muscat
- Dr Mohammad Sharif
- Dr Lolo Thomas-Jones
Thank you to our sponsor BBRAUN for sponsoring the Silver Scissors and the Silver Suture Award