ASiT: Shaping the Future of Surgery
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The ASiT x RCSEng Foundation Doctor Essay Prize 2024

Applications Now Open for 2024

We are delighted to accept entries for this year's ASiT x RCSEng Foundation Doctor Essay Prize!

Application Deadline: 14th July, 23:59 BST


Essays of no more than 1500 words are invited exploring the following title:

1. "The Role of MSRA in Core Surgical Recruitment: Are We Selecting the Right Future Surgeons?"


2. "Bachelor of Medicine. Bachelor of Surgery. Are We Equipping the Next Generation of Surgeons Correctly?"


Prizes generously provided in collaboration with our sponsor RCSEng:

1st Place: Essay published in RCSEng Bulletin Journal, £200 cash prize

2nd Place: £100 cash prize, 25% discount for entry to the RCSEng Basic Surgical Skills Course

3rd Place: £100 cash prize, 25% discount for entry to the RCSEng Basic Surgical Skills Course


We sincerely appreciate the ongoing support from the Royal College of Surgeons of England, particularly from the Outreach and Publishing teams.


Please note:

Discounts for the BSS course are subject to the following terms and conditions: Discount will only apply on courses that have spaces available at the time of enquiry. Accepting a place on a course also accepts RCSEng’s cancellation terms as per its terms and conditions. Other terms and conditions may apply. Equivalent prizes may be substituted depending on availability.


Eligibility and Submission Details:

- All entrants must be ASiT members and the competition is open to those at an appropriate and equivalent level for candidates who have not yet entered a formal surgical training position post-medical school, including locally employed doctors, trust grade, F1s, F2s, and F3s, etc.

- Essays should be written in Arial size 12 font, double-spaced, and referenced in the Vancouver style.

- The total word count should not exceed 1500 words (excluding the cover page and reference list).

- Applicants should include a cover page detailing their full name, ASiT membership number, Foundation Programme year (or equivalent), region, and email address. The rest of the submission must not have any identifiable information about the submitter.

- The use of generative AI or any form of NLP is strictly forbidden. Please check the box at the end of the submission form to confirm that this work was strictly created by you for the purpose of this essay competition, and that no other party contributed.

- Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. Please check the box at the end of the submission form to confirm this essay has not been submitted elsewhere (for a previous project, poster, publication, write-up, or presentation).

- All entrants must submit before the deadline as above.

Apply here


Please note: Bursary recipients are also expected to write a report for the ASiT Yearbook (the ASiT Yearbook Editor will be in contact to arrange this) and may be invited to share their experience in the ASiT Annual Conference prizes and bursaries session.