ASiT: Shaping the Future of Surgery
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ASiT Clinical and Academic Travelling Bursary 2024

Applications Now Closed for 2024


ASiT is delighted to be able to offer our members the opportunity to apply for a travelling bursary to support clinical and/or academic training activities away from their current training programme/employment.

Each bursary is worth up to £300 (3 bursaries will be awarded) and is intended to contribute towards travel to clinical or academic centres in the UK or abroad.


To apply:

Please email with the subject "ASiT Travelling Bursary" and the following attached:

Deadline: 8th of December 2024 23:59 BST


Applications will be scored according to merit and successful applicants notified shortly after the deadline and sent instructions on how to claim the bursary amount.

All claims will be reimbursed retrospectively once proof of the visit or course attendance and receipts for expenses are provided.

Please note: Bursary recipients are also expected to write a report for the ASiT Yearbook (the ASiT Yearbook Editor will be in contact to arrange this) and may be invited to share their experience in the ASiT Annual Conference prizes and bursaries session.