The ASiT 2024 Yearbook Competition
Submission Deadline: 23:59 GMT Friday, 12th January 2024

ASiT is pleased to launch its annual yearbook competition for the 2024 conference!
The theme of this year's conference and yearbook is The Time is Now! We are looking for a digital image to print as the front cover of our yearbook, making its way to surgical trainees all over the UK and Ireland, with the top 3 entries featuring in the yearbook and the ASiT conference app!
Submission Guidance:
- Your entry should be original work and not reproduced from existing artwork or graphics. If it includes clinical images, this must be with explicit written consent from the hospital/trust, and/or patient.
- Your image should be submitted as a .jpeg file with the longest dimension equal to 4000 pixels. The total file size should not exceed 10MB.
- Please submit your image with the file name: yearbook_competition_your name.jpeg
- All submissions need to be submitted by email to our Yearbook and App Editor (Raiyyan Aftab) at
- Entrance into the competition gives ASiT the copyright to use your image in the ASiT yearbook, app, website and other promotional material
- Your interpretation of the theme The Time is Now must relate to surgery but can include any speciality group
- Entries will be judged and voted on by the ASiT Council
We look forward to receiving your entries!