Senior Trainees participating in Core Surgical Interview
The Core Surgical Training Recruitment Steering Committee is offering senior trainees the opportunity to assist with the national selection process for Core Surgical Training CT1/ST1 2023.

In order to participate you must meet the criteria set below:
- ST6-8 or post CCT
- Outcome 1 or 6 at last ARCP
- Up to date Equality and Diversity Training
- Should not participate in core recruitment interview preparation courses or associated with company providing question banks for MSRA or CST interview preparation.
Once you have registered, names will be sent TPD/HoS for your region to approve your participation.
Interviews (9th to 22nd March 2023)
You will be paired with a consultant and will interview an applicant in a virtual room, covering Management and then Clinical questions for 10 minutes on each with a further 10 minutes to score. There will be a briefing to start the day, a Circuit Lead and Lay Representatives, as in previous years, to support the panellists and quality assure the process. The day will run from 08:30 until 17:30, with breaks.
Please note, by registering using each form, you are CONFIRMING your attendance on each day you select.
We understand that in rare circumstances you may find yourself unable to attend the process after you have registered for it. Please ensure that if this happens you let us know as soon as possible by emailing
Thank you for participating in this really important work to ensure the continuing excellence of Core Surgical trainees.
Kind regards,
Core Surgical Training Recruitment Steering Committee