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Mr Dominic Thompson

Mr Dominic Thompson

Dominic Thompson is senior paediatric neurosurgeon in the Department of Paediatric Neurosurgery, Great Ormond Street and Honorary Associate Professor at the Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom. He is the current President of the European Society of Paediatric Neurosurgery (ESPN). Dominic’s specialist interests include, the surgical management of congenital and acquired disorders of the paediatric spine, in particular craniocervical junction anomalies, spinal dysraphism (spina bifida) and spinal tumours. He is paediatric neurosurgeon to the UK Nationally Commissioned fetal surgery service for myelomeningocele and performed the first in utero closure of spina bifida in the UK. Dominic completed his undergraduate training at Charing Cross Hospital London. He has undertaken additional specialist training in paediatric neurosurgery in Paris, Chicago, New York and San Francisco. Dominic has authored over 200 peer reviewed articles and book chapters on various aspects of paediatric neurosurgery. Dominic is regular faculty member on International training courses in paediatric neurosurgery. He is on the editorial board of the journals ‘Childs Nervous System’ and ‘Paediatric Neurosurgery’ and is section editor for the International Society for Paediatric Neurosurgery(ISPN) on line Guide to paediatric neurosurgery.
