Unite, Educate, Operate: ASiT's Mission
Back to Friday 8th March (Courses)

ASiT x Rouleaux Club Core Skills in Vascular Surgery

08:30 - 17:00

The course has previously been run successfully at ASiT as well as other conferences and offers introductory lectures followed by simulation arterial anastomosis overseen by current vascular trainees and consultants.

Delegate numbers: 20
Grade: Medical Students – CT2
Faculty: 5

Programme Outline

08:00 - 09:00   Registration & Networking

09:00 - 09:10   Introduction

09:10 - 09:50   Principles of vascular surgery & Investigations

09:50 - 10:10   Vascular emergencies

10:10 - 10:30   Principles Of Endovascular Surgery and Venous

10:30 - 11:00   Coffee

11:00 - 12:30   AAA Repair

12:30 - 13:30   Lunch

13:30 - 14:30   End to side anastomosis

14:30 - 14:45   Coffee (Optional)

14:45 - 15:45   Carotid Patch

15:45 - 16:15   CV & Career advice

16:15 - 16:30   Feedback