Unite, Educate, Operate: ASiT's Mission
Back to Friday 8th March (Courses)

ASiT x BOTA Core Skills in Orthopaedic Surgery

08:30 - 16:15
Purbeck Lounge

The ASiT & BOTA Core Skills in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery course is a one-day course that aims to teach delegates the essential principles and practical skills required of a competent day one junior Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon. 

The course will entail four lectures on the various principles of fracture management and four different dry saw bone workshops.

Delegate Numbers: 30 
Grade: Medical Student-ST3
Faculty: 10

Summary of Course:

0830-0900 Registration and Networking

0900-0910 Welcome Address and Course Objectives

0910-0930 Bone Healing Lecture 

0930-1030 Workshop 1*

1030-1045 Break

1045-1110 Basic Principles of Fracture Fixation Lecture

1110-1210 Workshop 2*

1210-1230 Basic Principles of External Fixation (DCO) Lecture

1230-1330 Lunch

1330-1430 Workshop 3*

1430-1445 Break

1445-1515 General Orthopaedic Traumatology (ATLS, Cases, Pelvic Trauma) Lecture

1515-1615 Workshop 4*

1615-1630 Q&A and close 



1. Hip Fracture Fixation with DHS/short nail

2. External Fixation for Damage Control Orthopaedics

3. Plate and Screw Fixation

4. Diaphyseal Fracture Fixation