Maxillofacial Trauma Pre-conference Workshop
Course Summary
Maxillofacial trauma workshop. This course provides a series of introductory short lectures on various aspects of OMF trauma, followed by hands on trauma osteosynthesis practice utilising titanium mini-plate fixation techniques.
This will also include a short series of lectures on careers in/routes into the specialty
Proposed delegate numbers: 15-20
Level of delegates: Medical students - ST1+
Summary of course programme:
Lecture - Introduction to the day/summary
Lecture – Trauma principles in general, maxillofacial trauma principles. Airway considerations
Lecture – Mandibular trauma principles
Hands-on – Mandibular fractures/trauma fixation
Lecture – Midface trauma principles (maxillary, zygomatic complex)
Lecture – Orbital trauma principles (can combine with midface lecture)
Hands-on – Midface fracture fixation
Lecture – Nasoethmoid complex fractures and upper face (frontal bone) trauma principles. Again, can be two separate lectures
Lecture(s) – Careers in OMFS