ASiT x Moynihan Academy Basic Skills in Emergency General and Trauma Surgery
A course aimed at foundation doctors and junior surgical trainees looking to introduce them to the surgical management of trauma. Stations will focus on the trauma call, common pitfalls, common techniques in emergency surgery and how to systematically undertake a laparotomy.
Delegate numbers: 20
Grade: Foundation – CT2
Summary of course:
08:30 Registration
09:00 Introduction to the course and the Moynihan Academy
09:10 Ethicon the science of energy devices
09:30 Leading the trauma call
09:50 Sim 1: The trauma call – Groups A & B observing, Groups C & D performing
10:20 Pitfalls at Trauma calls
10:40 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 Sim 1: The trauma call – Groups A & B performing, Groups C & D
11:30 Review of scenarios
11:50 Ethicon Haemostatic Agents
12:00 Small Bowel Anastomosis Practice
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 Small Bowel Anastomosis Practice
14:00 The Systematic Laparotomy
14:25 Communications in a Trauma and Emergency Setting, Human Factors
14:50 Sim 2: the Laparotomy – Groups A & B observing, Groups C & D performing
15:35 Sim 2: the Laparotomy – Groups A & B performing, Groups C & D
16:20 Closing remarks