ASiT: Leading the Way in Surgical Advancement
Back to Friday 7th March (Courses)

ASiT x BNTA Core Skills in Neurosurgery

09:00 - 17:00
Meeting Room 2A

This course would serve to act as an introduction to neurosurgery for medical students and junior doctors with an interest in the speciality. The morning would include some interactive teaching sessions on cranial/spinal emergencies with an additional session on the application process for neurosurgery specialty training.

The afternoon we will have a selection of hands-on practical stations covering some of the basic surgical skills required in neurosurgery with a selection of neurosurgical instruments and kit to use. The course will conclude with a neurosurgery quiz, as well as the opportunity to ask questions of the course faculty. 

Delegate numbers: 15 - 20
Grade: Medical Student – CT2

Summary of course:

0900: Welcome/Introductions/Course Overview 

0915: A day in the life of a neurosurgical trainee

0930: The neurosurgery application process

1030: Break

1100: Overview of cranial emergencies

1200: Overview of spinal emergencies

1300: Lunch

1400 – 1630: Neurosurgery practical stations 

1700: Quiz & Closing remarks