The Herrick Society
The Herrick Society is for trainees in transplant surgery in the United Kingdom, and is affiliated with the British Transplantation Society and the Association of Surgeons in Training . They aim to bring together surgical trainees with an interest in transplantation surgery, and to represent and support such trainees.
The Herrick Society is named after the Herrick Twins, Ronald and Richard, who were the first organ donor and recipient in the world, respectively. Ronald donated a kidney to his brother in the world’s first successful solid organ transplant, performed by Joseph Murray in Boston. The club was formerly known as the Carrel Club
Membership of the Herrick Society is open to all specialist trainees and clinical or research fellows with a declared interest in transplant surgery in the United Kingdom. From this membership a committee is elected to provide representation of transplant surgery trainees on the BTS Council, BTS Transplant Training and Education Committee, Chapter of Surgeons Committee and the ASiT Council.

ASiT Representative