ASiT: Shaping the Future of Surgery
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Marios Erotocritou

Regional Representative - Kent, Sussex & Surrey

It is a great honour to have been selected as the ASiT Regional Representative for London – KSS. ASiT has greatly supported my aspirations to pursue a career in surgery both as a medical student and as a foundation doctor. Now as a Core Surgery Trainee, I want to give back, support and inspire others in their journey. I am delighted to be part of the ASiT Council and very excited to work alongside these talented inspiring individuals to improve surgical education and training.


I have started getting involved early on by joining different work groups, helping with the Silver Scalpel Awards and the Preparation for a career in surgery course (P4CS) mock interviews. Another highlight has been the ASiT Innovation Summit. I was in awe listening to so many surgical innovators present their experiences and ideas. The future of surgery is definitely very exciting!


In the new year, to promote surgical education, I am planning surgical skills and core surgery mock interview courses to help future surgeons in my region achieve their goals. I look forward to working with my fellow London Representatives to improve surgical training in the London and KSS. Do not hesitate to contact me with any ideas you may have on how to improve training in your area or if you want to discuss any issues you are facing. 

Marios Erotocritou