ASiT: Shaping the Future of Surgery
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Viraj Shah

Medical Student Representative

Viraj is a medical student at Imperial. He first joined ASiT as a medical student ambassador in 2021, the same academic year he served as the President of his university’s Surgical Society. Following sitting on the RCSEngland Future Surgeons Forum and being part of ASiT’s EDI Working Group, he was recently elected as ASiT’s Medical Student Representative.

As an aspiring plastic surgeon, he has a vested interest in research, innovation and global surgery. Through former roles including Research Lead at PRASSA, sitting on the GEIGS Global Surgery Council, and a steering committee member of METRO, he has demonstrated sustained commitment to advocating the highest standards in surgical training. He has an interest in technology-enhanced surgical training, policy and data science, something developed through his intercalated degree. He is keen to champion the accessibility, excellence and forward-thinking nature of surgery for medical students across the UK in his role.

Medical Student Representative