Michael El-Boghdady
Director of Education
Michael is a trainee registrar in General Surgery in London. He is the Director of Education (DoE). He joined ASiT after being elected as South East London Representative, subsequently the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) officer, and the DoE. Michael is passionate about surgical education, and he obtained his MD degree in surgeon's errors and laparoscopic training from the University of Dundee. He also obtained master’s degree in general surgery from the University of Edinburgh, master’s in health professions education from Maastricht University and another one in higher education. He is a member of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Fellow of the higher education academy.
Michael has been working on many projects to improve training environment and eliminate bullying, discrimination, and harassment in surgical training, as well as to provide support strategies for trainees who experienced poor behaviours. Michael has been organising courses for ASiT members aiming to decrease the cost of surgical training. He also created the ASiT anti-bullying, discrimination, and harassment guidance. He has special interests in surgical training, trainees’ wellbeing, anti-bullying, equality, and diversity in surgery.