ASiT Trainer Awards 2025
Recognising Excellence in Surgical Training since 2000

Over the past two decades, the prestigious Silver Scalpel Award has played a vital part in recognising trainers who go the extra mile for their trainees and promote the highest standards of surgical training.
At a time of constant flux in the NHS, with training increasingly squeezed by demands on service, it is more important than ever that we recognise and reward good trainers. Training goes hand in hand with providing excellent patient care, and Silver Scalpel winners also deliver an exemplary service to their patients, creating a positive clinical environment and learning culture for trainees.
Eligibility: any consultant surgeon working in the UK and ROI
Now in its 26th iteration, ASiT is grateful to Swann-Morton for continuing to support this prestigious award.
This award was introduced in 2019 to recognise outstanding trainers at an ST3+ level and acknowledge that not all training takes place by consultants.
- All UK and ROI doctors at a Higher Surgical Training level (not limited to formal training programmes)
- All doctors working within surgical posts who are not established Consultants or Associate Specialists
- Consultant or Associate Specialist Surgeons in their first year of practice who are nominated by their peers for education delivered during their final year of training will be considered
- Nominations for doctors in more than one category, current ASiT Council or Executive Committee members and self-nominations will not be accepted
ASiT would like to thank The Faculty of Surgical Trainers for its sponsorship of this award.
With the increasing challenges facing surgical trainees, many are being supported and mentored by not only excellent trainers but excellent peers who support, guide and inspire. ASiT is delighted to introduce a new category for this year's awards to recognise more junior trainer grades (FY1 to CT2 or equivalent).
- All UK and ROI doctors working at a Foundation or Core Surgical Training level (not limited to formalised training programmes)
- All doctors working within surgical posts who are not established Higher Surgical Trainees, Registrars, Consultants or Associate Specialists
- Nominations for doctors in posts with non-surgical rotations (e.g. Foundation Programmes) will be considered if the nomination pertains to training provided in surgical jobs
- Nominations for doctors in more than one category, current ASiT Council or Executive Committee members and self-nominations will not be accepted
This award is kindly sponsored by BBraun.
Nominations should be a maximum of two A4 pages detailing why you think your nominee is an exceptional surgical trainer and deserves the award. Please describe your trainer under the following headings in your nomination (each heading should have a maximum of 200 words):
- Leadership
- Resourcefulness
- Training and Development
- Professionalism
- Communication
- Promoting Equality and Diversity
Supporting evidence from other trainees, consultants, nursing and allied health practitioners can be provided within the nomination.
Please use the following links to nominate for the following awards:
Silver Scalpel:
Silver Suture:
Silver Scissors:
The top nominations will be selected for interviews by members of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers and the ASiT Executive Committee and the shortlisted candidates after interviews will be invited to join us at the 2025 ASiT Annual Conference where the winners will be announced. We look forward to receiving your nominations!
2024 - Mr Mark Dilworth
2023 - Ms Tamara Kiernan
2022 - Mr Peter Brennan
2021 - Ms Manjit Dhillon
2020 - Mr Ron Coggins
2019 - Mr Edmund Leung
2018 - Ms Stella Vig
2017 - Ms Rachel Hargest
2016 - Mr Gareth Griffiths
2015 - Mr Shafi Ahmed
2014 - Mr Mike Lavelle-Jones
2013 - Mr Clive Hepworth
2012 - Mr Humphrey Scott
2011 - Mr Gavin Pettigrew
2010 - Mr Ramez Kirollos
2009 - Mr David Khoo
2008 - Prof Ajith Siriwardena
2007 - Mr Ian Gunn
2006 - Ms Fiona MacNeill
2005 - Mr D. Jaffray
2004 - Mr Ray Clarke
2003 - Mr Christopher Curwen
2002 - Mr H. Sue-Ling
2001 - Mr H.J. Hershman
2024 - Mr Kamlesh Patel
2023 - Mr Ankur Khajuria
2022 - Mr Ricky Ellis
2021 - Mr Umar Wali and Mr Tom Lewis
2020 - Mr Christian Asher
2019 - Mr Richard Bamford
2024 - Ms Anastasia Tzatzidou
2023 - Ms Zoe Bakewell
2022 - Mr Arjun Nathan